Thunder Bay District, ON | (807) 853-0807


Driving with children can be a challenging experience for parents. That's why Select Synthetics in Geraldton put together these tips so you can make the journey more comfortable and enjoyable for everyone.

1. Plan Ahead

Before hitting the road, plan your trip in advance. Map out your route and identify rest stops and other points of interest along the way. Pack a cooler with snacks, water, and other beverages if you drive for an extended period. Make sure you have enough entertainment options, such as books, games, and tablets, to keep your kids entertained during the journey.

2. Buckle Up

Make sure your children are buckled up properly before you begin driving. Children under the age of 8 are required to use a car seat or booster seat, depending on their age and weight. Check that the car seat or booster seat is installed correctly and securely. Ensure that the seat belts are appropriately adjusted and that the shoulder strap is not cutting into your child's neck.

As a parent, you know that safety always comes first - especially when driving with children. That's why keeping your car running smoothly with AMSOIL's best car care products is essential. Call Select Synthetics in Geraldton at (807) 853-0807 for expert advice on the best products for your engine, or visit AMSOIL's online store today to place your order.

3. Create a Comfortable Environment

Creating a comfortable environment for your kids is the key to a successful road trip. Bring a pillow, blanket, or favorite toy to make your child's ride more comfortable. Adjust the car's temperature to make it comfortable for your kids. Avoid over-bundling them with clothes in case the car temperature fluctuates.

4. Bring Snacks and Drinks

Packing a variety of snacks and drinks can keep your children full and hydrated throughout the journey. Choose healthy snacks such as fruits, nuts, and whole-grain crackers, and avoid sugary treats that may lead to a sugar high and then crash later on. Keep in mind that some foods may not travel well, so choose items that are easy to eat with minimal mess. Bring enough water and other beverages to keep your children hydrated, but avoid giving them too much liquid to reduce the need for pit stops.

5. Keep Them Entertained

Long car trips can be boring for kids. To keep them entertained, bring along books, toys, and tablets. Choose age-appropriate entertainment options to keep your children engaged. Include various options to cater to each child's interests and preferences. Play interactive games like "I Spy" or "License Plate Bingo." Sing along to some family-friendly tunes or audiobooks. You can also have conversation starters or quizzes to keep the kids engaged.

Your children are your most precious cargo, so maintaining your car with the best products on the market is essential. For expert advice on how to keep your engine in top condition, call Select Synthetics in Geraldton at (807) 853-0807. And don't forget to visit AMSOIL's online store to browse our selection of top-rated car care products today!

6. Take Breaks

Driving for extended periods can be stressful, and kids can become restless. Schedule regular stops along the way, such as rest stops or playgrounds, to allow your children to stretch their legs and run around. You can also use the breaks to grab a bite to eat, use the restroom or refuel. If you're traveling with an infant or toddler, use the breaks to do diaper changes or have feeding time.

7. Stay Calm

Kids can get restless, especially on long journeys. Stay calm and be patient, even when the kids are noisy or fussy. You can plan some fun activities or games to keep them engaged. If the kids are starting to get out of hand, pull over to the side of the road and take a breather. You can also use this as an opportunity to chat, refresh your snacks, or have a bathroom break.

8. Ensure Safety

Safety should always come first when driving with children. Ensure you have an emergency kit with items like a first aid kit, a flashlight, blankets, and bottled water in case of an emergency. Always drive at a safe speed, keep a safe distance from other vehicles, and obey all traffic rules. Don't get distracted by your phone, especially when driving with children. Please encourage them to wear seatbelts and stay seated.

Whether commuting to work or taking a road trip with your family, you want to ensure your car runs smoothly and efficiently. That's why using only the best car products like AMSOIL's Signature Series 0W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil is important. Call Select Synthetics in Geraldton at (807) 853-0807 to learn more about our top-rated engine oils and other car care products. And be sure to visit AMSOIL's online store to place your order today!